(Leading Researcher, head of research group. Graduated from the Moscow State University (MSU) in 1957, Ph.D. 1964, MSU)
A member of EAS.
The main field of my investigations is stellar spectrophotometry. As a result of scientific activity of our group spectrophotometric catalog was created including energy distribution data on 900 stars in the range 3200-7600AA and 250 stars in the range 6000-10800AA (Voloshina et al., Spectrophotometry of Bright Stars, ed. I.N.Glushneva, 1982, Moscow, Nauka, in Russian).
On the basis of our energy distribution data in the range 3200-10800AA with the addition of UV spectrophotometry and IR photometry total fluxes, effective temperatures, angular diameters and luminosities were obtained for 125 A-F main sequence stars and the effective temperature scale was constructed. Comparison with Kurucz's theoretical atmosphere model was produced.
Now sperctrophotometric observations of A0-G0 stars of 7-8 mag for the creation of the set of spectrophotometric standards are in progress at the Sternberg Institute Crimean Station. Solar type stars and A-stars with IR excesses are also in the programme of our spectrophotometric observations as well as JHKLM photometry of these stars.